AJ's Blog

me n her

we da best u ever seen


Hello All,

My life has been going well.

I got that new car I was talking about, it is a 2014 Chrysler 200, and I watched it tick over to 70,000 miles. This will be the car that I shall be driving for the foreseeable future.  To ensure that no one else wants to drive this car, I put a bumper sticker on it that says 

"Women Want Me, Fish Fear Me."

I am looking into buying cool rims for it, and upgrading its speaker system. Will update with more information soon.

In more good news, the local Chamber of Commerce wants me to join as their tech support. I've been helping the Chairwoman of the Board for free, so getting paid will be even better. This will put my name out to over 80 different members, ensuring I will be relied upon.

To some, having 80 'older' people hound you for technical support may seem like a drag, but to me, it is fulfilling. The joy and thankfulness they show after you fix a problem in 10 minutes that they have been trying to fix for the last 10 days (or 10 years) is unmatched.

I miss you all, and love you all very much.

With Love, AJ


Today was Friday,  August 18th 2023.

 Friday! Let's Go!!!

Today at the Water Department we had a massive amount of locates to do.  Locates are called in when companies or homeowners who want to dig underground do not want to hit Water, Sewage, Storm Drains, or other things buried underground. 

The great city of Knox Indiana is getting fiber internet, and they expanding first into the south east side of town. We had to locate the whole south east side of town, from US 35 to St Rd 8. 

To locate, you have to first find where your underground pipes are, and then either spray paint arrows on the road, or throw little blue flags and spray paint the grass. 

To find the undergrounds, there are really two main steps. First, I use our online resource called GIS to find where we estimated the pipes are on a map. Then I use a Dowsing rod (Pictured to the right) to locate the pipe underground.
Fun Fact: These are called Witch Rods by old timers because they believe they are magic.

Source: Old people I know

Next, I use a blue can of spray paint and paint an arrow like this 


If the pipe is under grass, I throw a flag into the ground for a more potent visual representation.

Next weekend I'm getting a new car! (new to me at least lol)

Have a good weekend everybody! Love You All!

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