Aidan's Blog
Yo, True.
Hey, not exactly sure what to put here yet but trust I will figure something out eventually. Anyway senior year is pretty cool so far, solid two thumbs up from me.
Who could've predicted that life gets kinda crazy am i right
anyway about a quarter way through my senior year now. It sure is something! I started applying to colleges which is the scariest thing ever for me. I hate how binding the decision of college feels. I know it will all be fine and work itself out somehow but jesus it is stressful. I also have a job now! if that wasnt apparent from my instagram stories. I work at meijer pushing shopping carts. Its definitely not the easiest job in the world but its not the worst thing ever. When i first started it was insanely difficult as 10 shopping carts together can weigh around 250+ pounds and my little frame is not made to be doing that for 5 hours at a time. I'm getting better at it though! It also brought my steps per day up from ~5,000 to ~20,000 which has not worked out well for my feet they are constantly blistered but the grind is worth it. probably. anyway thats aidan update for now hope yall are doing well!
holy moly!!
I've been working on some ambience style music recently. I think its one of the genres I think I'm better at making but hey!! if I have something that I feel like I can share soon I will definitely try and show you guys 💯
Aidan Music Recommendation 2 💯
An Insatiable High - Masayoshi Takanaka, Released 1977
An incredibly fun japanese jazz fusion album by the legendary Masayoshi Takanaka. This album always gets me in a good mood and helps me get through my day with its beach/surf aesthetics always helping even the gloomiest days have a little sunshine. The surfer boy feel never leaves the album as it is one Masayoshi's favorite parts of life, even having his guitar modeled to be a surfboard, pretty awesome shit.
top 3 songs
1- E.S.P
Aidan music recommendation 👍
By The Time I Get To Phoenix - Injury Reserve, Released 2021
pretty cool experimental album if you be rockin with that kinda shit. some of the most interesting instrumentals ive ever heard on an album that touches on some really heavy topics. probably one of my favorite things ive listened to in recent memory.
top 3 songs -
1- Knees
2- Outside
3- Superman That
anyway i like music a lot so i will probably just do a lot of stuff like this 👍