maybe not maritza

In a very real way, why do all the pages have to be the same theme, Google Sites? Seems unnecessary. Let there be chaos. Signed, Maritza.

Iteration 2: Blog needed an update. Sorry to anyone that was attached to the old layout. Life moves fast, babes. Get in. 

Iteration 1: I finally sat down and made the blog. It pink. Jenna and Peter are here. Shoutout Peter for the image and shoutout Uncle Jim for the other image. Hope you enjoyed! The end.

Cover of Current Biology.

Bee paper published

We made the cover of current bio. Check out the paper I authored here: Bee Paper. Or just search me on Google Scholar. No big deal.  Peter M. from the lab took this picture. He's mad talented.  No offense to any of you, you're mad talented, too. 


I've been


